We can’t wait to welcome you to the Advent Lutheran Church community.

Bringing Christ to Others Through Love and Service

Sunday Worship Times

In-Person Services

8:45 am Traditional Service

10:15 am Contemporary Service

Sunday School

10:15 am for ages preschool - 6th grade

Virtual Service

Virtual Service is available at 10:00 am

 Upcoming Events

2/09/25 - “Souper” bowl Sunday! Don’t forget to bring cans of soup to share with FISH! Soup will also be served during fellowship time. (The free-will offering collected that morning will be given to support FISH as well). Thank you in advance for your generosity to help us “tackle” hunger in our community!

2/16/25 - VBS workshop at 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall

2/20/25 - Ladies Dinner & Devotion night at Jerzee’s (6:00 pm)

2/24/25 - Backpack packing in the fellowship hall (2:00 pm set-up; packing bags to follow)

3/04/25 - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner (from 4:30-7:00 pm) in the church’s fellowship hall.

3/05/25 - Ash Wednesday Worship Service at 6:30 pm

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